'Sea monster' whale fossil unearthed

People...we are humans...we can kill everything that walks and that has walked on this earth that is not human...because we humans are the most dangerous species and we'll stop being dangerous only when we all die (not happening anytime soon I hope)


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
It really makes you wonder what other sorts of sea creatures existed that we haven't been able to uncover because of the thousands of feet of water.


Mr. Nice gallery
It really makes you wonder what other sorts of sea creatures existed that we haven't been able to uncover because of the thousands of feet of water.

Your right they are probably huge animals that make whales look a dolphin we will have to see what kind of technology so that we can explore.
Apparently it is going to be named after it's modern day equivalent... 'Mickagadom Jaggersaurus'
People...we are humans...we can kill everything that walks and that has walked on this earth that is not human...because we humans are the most dangerous species and we'll stop being dangerous only when we all die (not happening anytime soon I hope)

In other words, "if it bleeds, we can kill it" :D


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
where is Will E. to ask if they found evidence Job had been in its gut?